COEN 286: Code Inspection Exercise

Software Quality Assurance and Testing -- winter, 2004

Prof. John Noll

Santa Clara University

$Id: inspection-ex.body,v 1.10 2004/01/07 19:19:39 jnoll Exp $

Due Tuesday, February 10, at the beginning of class.

1. Introduction

We discussed various kinds of static techniques: inspections, reviews, walkthroughs, etc. This exercise investigates formal inspections. We will again use the PML Compiler as an example.

2. Instructions

This exercise consists of two parts. The first part is the preparation for the second part, which is an in-class inspection exercise.

2.1 Preparation

As we discussed in class, formal inspections require individual preparation:

  1. Obtain the source code listing for process_table.c (please use this numbered listing so we all refer to the same line numbers).
  2. Review the code for errors, using the checklist as a guide. Note any errors found by type and line number, and also record the total amount of time you spent reviewing the code
  3. Prepare an Inspection Preparation Log, documenting
    1. Your name and student id.
    2. The total amount of time you spent preparing. This is not graded, so please be honest.
    3. Possible defects found, identified by line number, defect category, and brief description.
  4. Make a copy for yourself, for use inclass during the actual inspection.

2.2 Inspection

On Tuesday, February 10, at the beginning of class, we will conduct a formal review of the code.

3. Deliverables

Submit your completed Inspection Preparation Log, listing defects organized by line number, identified by checklist category and including a description.

Also, report the total amount of time spent on the preparation. Use the following format:

                 COEN 286 Inspection Preparation Log

Name: Ed Student
Id: 123456
Module: process_table.c
Total Time: 6.5 hours.

Potential Defects:
line 6  DA: array element at this location may not be initialized.
line 8  ...

The final document is due Tuesday, February 10, at the beginning of class.

Generated Tue Feb 3 17:06:01 2004